I was so excited today because one of my very best friends from Junior high and High school flew into our airport today with his wife. He lives in Atlanta and I rarely get to see him and I've never met his wife (even though they have been married for 8 years.
Doug was the smartest guy in high school as well as a great athlete. I always thought he would be President one day (and I still think there is a good chance). He went to college in Atlanta and later went to Harvard. His sweet and beautiful wife is an emergency room doctor.
Thanks to facebook - we have recently connected again. If you are not on it - you should be! :-)
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
That is awesome!! I love the big, dark, hair! I'm glad you were able to hang out with your friend. 17 years...that's a long time!!!
P.S. I also RSVPed to LO. She's pleased that I was "raised right." Ha!
I can't wait to show Greg this page. He was just saying last night how he wanted to email Doug & get in touch with him. Ah memories!
Oh my!! What a hoot!! Girl, we all have hair pictures from the 80's like that! Don't yot love yearbooks? I still look at mine. You are still sooo cute in those pics though! You are probably cute no matter what style you go with.
They sound like they lead an incredible life I would love to hear some of her ER stories! : )
Doug looks the SAME!!! That's neat that you got to catch up a little while today. His wife is really pretty. LOVE the yearbook photos!
You have been holding out on me. I didn't know your were the former Miss FHS! I, too, had that same hair. It was stylin' back in the day! That's awesome that you were able to reconnect! Sounds like fun!
Just wanted to stop by and say Happy New Year....thanks so much for all your sweet comments!
Have a blessed day!
smiles, kari and kijsa
PS...you gotta love the hair!
Can you tell me how to embellish my header and how to get the photos to open bigger when you click on them? I'm still learning! Thanks for the help!
Can you tell me how to embellish my header and how to get the photos to open bigger when you click on them? I'm still learning! Thanks for the help!
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