Today my sweet little niece, Emily, turns two! She had a fun little birthday party. Laurie made spaghetti and meatballs and salad and bread and then we had cake and ice cream!

Hillary and Josh were there having a ball!

Emily's maternal grandparents got her this rocking horse. It was a HUGE hit at the party!

This is Jaime and her little boy Jackson - one of Emily's friends from church

Me and Hillary

Emily's paternal grandparents got her this kitchen and she loves it! (Can you tell she is the only grandchild on both sides ?)

Here is Emily opening her gifts - she was crazy about this strawberry shortcake doll!
After the party - Scott and I headed out for some Christmas Sales shopping. It was really about Scott because he needed some new pants and he has needed new shoes forever. His parents gave him some shoe money for Christmas so we got him a brown pair and a black pair.

And I got a new purse at T J Maxx. I've been carrying this HUGE satchel that everyone makes fun of - my friend Ginger asked me if I had packed an overnight bag one morning when we were headed toward the choir loft. I can't help it - I like to carry a lot of stuff. You just never know what you might need. ha! I thought this was cute and normal sized.
Great pics! I tried not to post all of my pictures b/c I knew you'd have some to put on the blog as well!
I'm glad Scott got some new pants and shoes. And that you got a fun new purse! I love that you carry big "bags."
Emily is a doll! Of course, I knew she would be with Laurie being her mom!
She is too cute. So many great presents and loved the cake, I hope it tasted as good as it looked. Your purse is cute as well and a very normal size I might add.
E's dress is so sweet! She's a cutie! I like Scott's new shoes and your new purse too. I meant to shop some after Christmas sales (maybe there's still something left?), but I just couldn't make myself go today. We've been taking down the tree and decorations all day. We did go to Hobby Lobby tonight and bought three lamps--they were having a 50% off sale on lamps. :) Rhett plugged and unplugged every single lamp in the store and suggested buying every single lamp too! I think he probably saves us money because it's so stressful to try to shop! ha ha!
Love the purse! I have to carry a big one, too. Trouble is I just shove more stuff in it.
That little girl is so cute! The pink bow, the leopard print dress...oh my goodness, I think my ovaries are twitching...
Hey Kelly! Thanks for stopping by my blog-I'm going to peek through yours as well!
Ha ha ha! You would be a great girl to sit beside at those parties where they make you find nail clippers, an old recipt, a subway card, a movie theater stub.. all in your purse!! Did you go to the new T. J. Maxx? Was it great? I have not been yet. Sad face. : (
Good morning Kelly! I had to tell you that reading your post today brought back some sweet memories of my children when they were little (they are now 33 and 31). My son (now 33) had a rocking horse on springs--he actually wore out 2 of them! My daughter (now 31) had a Strawberry Shortcake doll which of course I still have in the attic and it still had the strawberry smell! Her daughter Taylor has two and she calls them cake-cake. Of course, I love your friend Jamie's son's name - Jackson - that is my grandson's name (Taylor's twin). Also, since I haven't had anything to eat yet today, the meal you prepared is making me so-o-o hungry so I guess I need to wake hubby up from his nap to go get us something to eat.
Love the purse!
Ok...two things....
1. They DID NOT have kitchens like that when I was little...way too cute!
2. I have an addiction to purses and just found an incredible bag called Big Buddha through ebags.
Check it out....And, this one you got....FANTASTICALLY CUTE!
Happy 2008 Kelly! I truly am glad I found your blog and I pray that this new year is filled with Jesus and many blessings!
Oh my word. Look at E's kitchen! It's nicer than my real-life kitchen! & did you check out all presents! She was having one serious birthday bash!
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