Her first taste of sweets - welcome to the good life!

The dog puppet we got her

One year ago last night, Laurie called me to tell me she was going into labor. So I got ready and bought a big coffee and made my way to the hospital. I spent the night hanging out in the waiting room with Laurie and Steve's parents and waiting for Emily to come. We talked, read magazines and tried to sleep on the uncomfortable couches in the cold room but finally at 3 a.m. she arrived into the world. Emily Paige Ormon. I was so glad to see her in the first hour she was alive and tonight I got to help celebrate her party with the grandparents and with some of our other friends. Emily had a great time eating cake and opening gifts. Her friends Clay and Dominique had a good time too. Happy Birthday Emily! I love you! You will always be my little "niece"!
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