11 1/2 years ago I moved to Fayetteville after OBU. My plan was to got to grad school so I got a summer job at a bank. When fall rolled around - I had lost my desire for my MBA so I stayed at the bank for another year. This was my very first real job and it was a real eye opener. The very best part of the job was a cute red haired girl name Jill who was working her way through school. We became fast friends. She got married and moved away and now has two adorable and big personality kids. Her family was in the area this weekend so Scott and I got to meet them for lunch. It was good to see her. After that we went to Sam's because Paula Deen ( who I LOVE ) was signing books there. I didn't expect to see that many people there but there thousands of people in line. It was nuts. I read in the paper that a lady got in line at 5 a.m. So I just snuck up to her table and took her picture.

Yeah! You were the highlight of the bank. I am so glad that we met then and have stayed friends! Saturday was so nice. Sometime, we will come up when we can visit longer. It was good seeing you guys, even if it was just for a short time.
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