We had a busy but good weekend.
Friday night I helped serve at our church's choir appreciation banquet. It was really fun and I had such a good time with the other women who were helping. We have so many nice and neat Christian women in our church.
Saturday my parents came to our house for lunch and to spend time with us before we all went to the game. I got to use my razorback dishes! Scott and Dad watched football while mom and I drove around and looked at houses. And then it was time for the game. There's not much to say about that except maybe " a win is a win".
Sunday was a busy day - church and Sunday School. I started a new afternoon Bible Study last night "just for women" that I think it will be very good. It's designed to help you understand how men think and to help build better relationships and marriages. I think it will be very helpful!
My dad is having knee surgery this morning so say a quick prayer for him!
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